1、Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A greatman can save another. 懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。--《肖申克的救赎》 2、You got a dream,you gotta protect it.People can’t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can’t do it.If you want something,go get it. 不要别人告诉你该做什么,有梦想,就得保护。他人做不成什么事情,就跟你说你也做不成。如果你想要什么,就要去争取。——《当幸福来敲门》 3、I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. 告诉你吧,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开您。——《简·爱》 4、Your story may not have a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are, it is restof your story, who you choose to be. 你或许没有一个幸福的开始,但是这并不能够代表你的所有,接下来你的生活取决于你的选择。 --《功夫熊猫2》 5、When you choose to become others, you will lose yourself. 当你选择成为别人时,你将失去你自己。 --《纳尼亚传奇3》 6、Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it’s called present! 昨天已成为历史,明天是未知的,而今天是上天赐予我们的礼物,这就是为什么我们把它叫做现在!——《功夫熊猫》 7、If there’s any kind of magic in the world, it must be the attempt of understanding someone or share something. 如果世上真的有什么奇迹,那么一定是去理解他人和与人分享。——《日出之前》 8、If you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind. 爱的次数不需多,只需真爱。真爱需要时间去经营,需要用心去了解,需要胸襟去包容。——《初恋50次》 9、Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish… is the wonderful workings of your mind. Your humor, your kindness… and your moral courage. 时间可以吞噬一切,但它丝毫不能减少的是你伟大的思想,你的幽默,你的善良,还有你的勇气。——《小妇人》 10、I was blessed to have you in my life. When I look back on these days, I’ll look and see your face.You were right there for me. 在我的生命中有你是多么幸运,当我回忆过去, 眼前就会浮现你的脸庞 ,你总会在那守候着我。——《珍珠港》
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