诗人简史 屡获殊荣的诗人,散文家和翻译家简·赫什菲尔德(Jane Hirshfield)是九本诗集的作者,其中包括莱杰(2020年);《美女》(2015),入围国家图书奖;Come, Thief (2011),美国笔会诗歌奖决赛入围者;和《给糖,给盐》(2001),入围国家书评人奖。赫什菲尔德还是两本散文集的作者,九门:进入诗歌的思想(1997年)和十扇窗户:伟大的诗歌如何改变世界(2015年),并编辑和共同翻译了四本书,收集了过去世界诗人的作品:墨水暗月:小野野之町和泉敷布的诗歌, 日本古代宫廷的妇女(1990年);《赞美神圣的妇女:四十三世纪妇女精神诗歌》(1994年);米拉拜:狂喜的诗歌(2004);和俳句之心(2011)。 赫什菲尔德的作品涵盖了广泛的影响,借鉴了科学以及世界文学,知识,艺术和精神传统。她的第一首诗于1973年出现在《国家》(The Nation)上,在她从普林斯顿大学毕业后不久,她就获得了第二年的发现奖,成为该大学第一届包括女性的毕业班的成员。然后,她放下写作近八年,在旧金山禅宗中心学习。“我觉得,如果我对作为一个人的意义了解得比当时多,我永远不会成为一个诗人,”赫什菲尔德曾经说过。“我不认为诗歌只是基于诗歌;它基于彻底的生活。 赫什菲尔德的诗歌取决于一个转折点或洞察力的时刻。她的早期作品,包括《地心引力与天使》(Of Gravity & Angels,1988),专注于自然环境、个人和性爱。在1994年的《十月宫》(The October Palace)中,她正在探索她将广为人知的主题:意识,意识,以及对世界外部事件和更多内部领域的变迁的参与。诗人罗莎娜·沃伦(Rosanna Warren)称赞赫什菲尔德的诗歌具有“道德意识”,并且语言“在清洁和透明中,构成了一种安静的形而上学性质的谜语”,而诺贝尔奖获得者切斯瓦夫·米沃什(Czesław Miłosz)则写道,赫什菲尔德“对所有生物的痛苦有着深刻的同理心”。赫什菲尔德将哲学冥想与家庭观察相结合的能力得到了广泛的评价。 在《佐治亚州评论》中,朱迪思·基奇(Judith Kitchen)在谈到《给予糖,给予盐》时说:“这是关于如何谈判生活的困难,同时向生活所提供的东西致敬。诗歌具有穿透力;他们揭示了快速的智能和更快的直觉。赫什菲尔德的直觉与她技艺的正式保证相匹配。《出版商周刊》(Publisher's Weekly)将她诗歌中的世界描述为“像裸露的舞台布景一样的寓言场景”,并指出赫什菲尔德设法“用对话自由诗歌中的优雅观察,用来自普通美国语言的词语引入优雅的观察”。史蒂文·拉蒂纳(Steven Ratiner)在《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)对《来吧,小偷》(Come, Thief)的评论中称她为“现代大师之一”,称赞赫什菲尔德经常使用极简主义技巧:“心灵被允许与看不见的、未说过的东西摔跤。 在一篇由《书单》主演的评论中,唐娜·西曼(Donna Seaman)称赞赫什菲尔德“一丝不苟的推理,包括对可作为她的诗歌的矛盾丰富的惊人思考。“惊人的存在,”罗伯特·博纳齐(Robert Bonazzi)在《今日世界文学》(World Literature Today)上写道。“简·赫什菲尔德(Jane Hirshfield)与当代最优秀的美国诗人站在一起。美女揭示了栖息在神秘,本质和美丽歌词中的诗意存在。在她的获奖诗歌,翻译和散文中,人们意识到她的作品是智慧的光圈。 赫什菲尔德的两本散文集涉及诸如原创性,隐喻思维的运作,翻译,诗歌的口头根源,诗歌在痛苦,惊喜,不确定性和悖论中发现弹性等主题。“赫什菲尔德的双脚牢牢地扎根于西方和东方的正典中,她提供了一本关于我们与诗歌的关系,我们与世界的关系以及介于两者之间的一切的彻底而及时的诗集,”一位明星出版商周刊的评论员在赞扬九门时说。Booklist上的一篇星级评论在谈到《十个窗口》时说:“在20年或30年内,这本书可能会被人们记住,成为诗歌乐趣的伟大普通读者之一。 近几十年来,赫什菲尔德越来越被称为诗人,他在诗歌,科学和生物圈危机的交叉点上工作。她曾在俄勒冈州的H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest和UCSF的神经科学研究项目中担任驻地诗人。2017年,她与华盛顿特区的“科学游行”(March for Science)一起创立了Poets for Science,这是一个科学诗歌和写作邀请函的互动展览,在肯特州立大学的威克诗歌中心(Wick Poetry Center)举行,该中心已前往全国各地。 赫什菲尔德曾是斯坦福大学和加州大学伯克利分校的访问诗人,并在本宁顿的MFA写作研讨会上任职。她的许多奖项包括国家艺术基金会,洛克菲勒基金会和古根海姆基金会的奖学金。其他荣誉包括诗歌中心图书奖,哥伦比亚大学翻译中心奖,湾区书评人奖,加州图书奖和霍尔 - 凯尼恩奖,以及最佳美国诗歌的十个选择。2004年,赫什菲尔德获得了美国诗人学院的学院奖学金,并于2012年当选为美国诗人学会的校长。2019年,赫什菲尔德入选美国艺术与科学院。 赫什菲尔德曾对当代作家说:“对我来说,诗歌是一种调查的工具和一种感知模式,一种认识和感受自我和世界的方式......我对那些没有简单性的诗歌感兴趣。以一种不排除复杂性,也不模糊的思维和说话方式;在诗歌中,以多种方式同时了解世界 - 心灵,思想,声音和身体。 简·赫斯菲尔德诗歌10首 (温经天 译) 什么在束缚我们 简·赫什菲尔德 束缚我们的事物名称: 强者,弱者 环顾四周,您可以看到它们: 在半空的杯子中形成皮肤 钉子在他们连接的地方生锈 关节与自身重量相吻合 事情保持如此稳固的方式 无论他们被安置在何处—— 科学家们说,引力很弱 看看新肉怎么长回来的: 穿过创口,以极大的热情 更加健硕 比起以前单纯的、未经历练的皮肉 马儿身上有它的名字 当它归来时变得更黑、更隆起:骄傲的身躯 如同所有的身躯 为它的负伤感到自豪,披挂伤口 作为战后授予的荣誉 小小的胜利被钉在胸前—— 当两个人相爱时 看上去它就像 彼此身体间的一个疤痕 更强大、更黑暗、更骄傲 黑线把它们做成单纯的织物 没有谁能撕裂或修补 (温经天 译) For What Binds Us BY JANE HIRSHFIELD There are names for what binds us: strong forces, weak forces. Look around, you can see them: the skin that forms in a half-empty cup, nails rusting into the places they join, joints dovetailed on their own weight. The way things stay so solidly wherever they've been set down— and gravity, scientists say, is weak. And see how the flesh grows back across a wound, with a great vehemence, more strong than the simple, untested surface before. There's a name for it on horses, when it comes back darker and raised: proud flesh, as all flesh, is proud of its wounds, wears them as honors given out after battle, small triumphs pinned to the chest— And when two people have loved each other see how it is like a scar between their bodies, stronger, darker, and proud; how the black cord makes of them a single fabric that nothing can tear or mend. 婚礼的祝福 简·赫什菲尔德 今天,当柿子成熟 今天,当狐狸出巢进入雪野 今天,当斑点蛋发布鹪鹩之歌 今天,当枫树送来红叶 今天,当窗户按约定开启 今天,当火践行暖意的诺言 今天,当你所爱者离去 或者陌生人离去 今天,当你所爱者出生 或陌生人出生 今天,当雨水跃向枯茎 今天,当星光降临贫瘠的屋顶 今天,当有人在无尽悲伤中久坐 今天,当有人感受初次的热拥 今天,让这束光祝福你 和这些朋友一起,祝福你 用雪香和薰衣草祝福你 让这一天的誓言疯狂且完整 生生不息,令你过目难忘 无论醒与眠,在你眼底浮现 任这猛烈与温柔拥你入怀 让这丰盈在你以后的岁月里荡漾无边 (温经天 译) A Blessing for Wedding BY JANE HIRSHFIELD Today when persimmons ripen Today when fox-kits come out of their den into snow Today when the spotted egg releases its wren song Today when the maple sets down its red leaves Today when windows keep their promise to open Today when fire keeps its promise to warm Today when someone you love has died or someone you never met has died Today when someone you love has been born or someone you will not meet has been born Today when rain leaps to the waiting of roots in their dryness Today when starlight bends to the roofs of the hungry and tired Today when someone sits long inside his last sorrow Today when someone steps into the heat of her first embrace Today, let this light bless you With these friends let it bless you With snow-scent and lavender bless you Let the vow of this day keep itself wildly and wholly Spoken and silent, surprise you inside your ears Sleeping and waking, unfold itself inside your eyes Let its fierceness and tenderness hold you Let its vastness be undisguised in all your days 热 简·赫什菲尔德 我的母马,当她发情时, 会在栅栏上行驶几个小时, 背负着不耐烦 用她的蹄子击穿地面。 我向她保证,不是几英里外的种马, 这才罢休。 她会张大鼻孔, 过滤着风寻找信息,然后再动, 她的下腹部因汗水而变黑, 然后在门口停一下,等一下 观察我预想做的事情。 哦,我知道 对她来说这样子,很容易 在那种广泛的欲望中认出自己: 来到牧场 只是为了看它表现。 伸出一只手,一桶谷物—— 一分钟后她就从激情中分心,出神 因我的给予。 然后她会回到烧伤她的地方: 栅栏,栅栏, 所以我期待,如果可能,让她自由 我羡慕她 如此焦躁地透支 热量,渴望,以及需求 以满足我们的需求—— 只有一个缺口可以打开 母马的辽阔, 其余事她会自己解决。 当然,我当然知道 谁有木桶的力量 和缰绳的蛮横—— 她会恳求我,躲起来, 离开。生命如此短暂啊, 但欲望,欲望久长。 (温经天 译) Heat BY JANE HIRSHFIELD My mare, when she was in heat, would travel the fenceline for hours, wearing the impatience in her feet into the ground. Not a stallion for miles, I’d assure her, give it up. She’d widen her nostrils, sieve the wind for news, be moving again, her underbelly darkening with sweat, then stop at the gate a moment, wait to see what I might do. Oh, I knew how it was for her, easily recognized myself in that wide lust: came to stand in the pasture just to see it played. Offered a hand, a bucket of grain— a minute’s distraction from passion the most I gave. Then she’d return to what burned her: the fence, the fence, so hoping I might see, might let her free. I’d envy her then, to be so restlessly sure of heat, and need, and what it takes to feed the wanting that we are— only a gap to open the width of a mare, the rest would take care of itself. Surely, surely I knew that, who had the power of bucket and bridle— she would beseech me, sidle up, be gone, as life is short. But desire, desire is long. 判断:一种分析 简·赫什菲尔德 你改变了一种生活 因为吃洋蓟会改变味道 那么之后吃什么。 然而你不是洋蓟,也不是钢琴或猫—— 根本不客观存在—— 你的猫所拥有的东西必不可少,但很狭隘: 在意两件事之间的距离是否可以跨越。 钢琴,那个好仆人, 她根本不需要你,她对你 视若无睹,这也是我的理想。 然而你身边的人就像水龙头 水来自遥远的山泉 用之不竭,你自信的声称 凉凉的口感很好。 因为如果判断伤害了牙齿,并不介意, 那绝非判断造成的。牙齿经受。疼痛经受。 判决决定了剩余—— 进化的平静判断或断定 一个男孩,当国王进入波斯:“烧掉它,”他说, 它会燃烧。如果一滴小小的眼泪在角落里膨胀 泛起烟雾,对他来说,只不过是一只甲虫 带着她的六足孩子逃离村庄的大火。 生物学家霍尔丹——在他最温柔的时刻—— 被上帝特别喜爱,审判甲虫, “因为他造了这么多。”判断可以是温柔的: 我见过你像猎犬一样轻柔地背负着命运 带着鹌鹑。然而无论怎样 在这样的时刻我很佩服你,我不能爱你: 你在我身上太多,无怨无悔地衡量着你自己的价值。 当我把你从身上彻底抹去, 脱去你权衡的形容词, 从我的肩膀和臀部剥去你的每一个名词, 当世界是马蝇,煤驳船,黎明时分冬天黄油的颜色—— 不美丽,不冷,只有黄油的颜色—— 那么也许我会爱你。无可奈何。 像一头刚出生的狼无助:别无选择,只好猎杀狼奶, 感觉很甜。 (温经天 译) To Judgment: An Assay BY JANE HIRSHFIELD You change a life as eating an artichoke changes the taste of whatever is eaten after. Yet you are not an artichoke, not a piano or cat— not objectively present at all— and what of you a cat possesses is essential but narrow: to know if the distance between two things can be leapt. The piano, that good servant, has none of you in her at all, she lends herself to what asks; this has been my ambition as well. Yet a person who has you is like an iron spigot whose water comes from far-off mountain springs. Inexhaustible, your confident pronouncements flow, coldly delicious. For if judgment hurts the teeth, it doesn’t mind, not judgment. Teeth pass. Pain passes. Judgment decrees what remains— the serene judgments of evolution or the judgment of a boy-king entering Persia: “Burn it,” he says, and it burns. And if a small tear swells the corner of one eye, it is only the smoke, it is no more to him than a beetle fleeing the flames of the village with her six-legged children. The biologist Haldane—in one of his tenderer moments— judged beetles especially loved by God, “because He had made so many.” For judgment can be tender: I have seen you carry a fate to its end as softly as a retriever carries the quail. Yet however much I admire you at such moments, I cannot love you: you are too much in me, weighing without pity your own worth. When I have erased you from me entirely, disrobed of your measuring adjectives, stripped from my shoulders and hips each of your nouns, when the world is horsefly, coal barge, and dawn the color of winter butter— not beautiful, not cold, only the color of butter— then perhaps I will love you. Helpless to not. As a newborn wolf is helpless: no choice but hunt the wolf milk, find it sweet. 啄木鸟不断归来 简·赫什菲尔德 啄木鸟不断归来 钻房子的墙壁。 把一个馅饼盘放在一个地方,他选择另一个。 那里没有什么好吃的: 他在房子里找到了 一个响亮的广告牌来张贴他的意图, 他作为提供者的强大实力。 但他为之鼓掌的女性在哪里?在哪里? 我问一下,究竟是谁毁坏了壁板, 英俊的红顶鸟,还是他失踪的伴侣。 (温经天 译) The Woodpecker Keeps Returning BY JANE HIRSHFIELD The woodpecker keeps returning to drill the house wall. Put a pie plate over one place, he chooses another. There is nothing good to eat there: he has found in the house a resonant billboard to post his intentions, his voluble strength as provider. But where is the female he drums for? Where? I ask this, who am myself the ruined siding, the handsome red-capped bird, the missing mate. 特使 简·赫什菲尔德 有一天在那个房间里,一只小老鼠。 两天后,一条蛇。 谁,看到我进入, 鞭打他的长条纹 床下的身体, 像一个温顺的家养宠物一样卷曲。 我不知道是怎么来的,还是怎么离开的。 后来,手电筒什么也没发现。 看了一年 作为某种东西 -- 恐怖?幸福?悲伤? 进入,然后离开我的身体。 不知道它是怎么进来的, 不知道它是如何熄灭的。 它挂在言语无法到达的地方。 它睡在光无法去的地方。 它的气味既不是蛇也不是老鼠, 既不是感性主义者,也不是苦行僧。 我们的生活中有缺口 对此我们一无所知。 通过他们 大肚腩群随意行进, 长腿的,口渴的,浑身是外国灰尘。 (温经天 译) The Envoy BY JANE HIRSHFIELD One day in that room, a small rat. Two days later, a snake. Who, seeing me enter, whipped the long stripe of his body under the bed, then curled like a docile house-pet. I don’t know how either came or left. Later, the flashlight found nothing. For a year I watched as something—terror? happiness? grief?— entered and then left my body. Not knowing how it came in, Not knowing how it went out. It hung where words could not reach it. It slept where light could not go. Its scent was neither snake nor rat, neither sensualist nor ascetic. There are openings in our lives of which we know nothing. Through them the belled herds travel at will, long-legged and thirsty, covered with foreign dust. 马具 简·赫什菲尔德 小灵魂, 你和我将成为 内存 回忆的回忆。 一匹马 释放的痕迹 忽略了马车的重量 (温经天 译) Harness BY JANE HIRSHFIELD Little soul, you and I will become the memory of a memory of a memory. A horse released of the traces forgets the weight of the wagon. 雪地里的椅子 简·赫什菲尔德 雪地里的椅子 应该是 像任何其他物体一样变白 及圆润 然而,雪地里的椅子总是令人悲伤 不止一张床 不仅是一顶帽子或一座房 一把椅子的形状只适合一件事 保持 灵魂的敏捷与极少的弯曲 时刻 也许它是国王 不覆盖雪 不覆盖花 (温经天 译) A Chair in Snow BY JANE HIRSHFIELD A chair in snow should be like any other object whited & rounded and yet a chair in snow is always sad more than a bed more than a hat or house a chair is shaped for just one thing to hold a soul its quick and few bendable hours perhaps a king not to hold snow not to hold flowers 所有困难的时刻 简·赫什菲尔德 所有困难的时刻 就像罐子里的咸李子。 满脸皱纹,陡然变回原型, 它们对着玻璃咕哝着鱼翅的颜色。 就这样,灾难转向平静。 首先放入梅子,然后放入米饭。 (温经天 译) All the Difficult Hours and Minutes BY JANE HIRSHFIELD All the difficult hours and minutes are like salted plums in a jar. Wrinkled, turn steeply into themselves, they mutter something the color of sharkfins to the glass. Just so, calamity turns toward calmness. First the jar holds the umeboshi, then the rice does. #翻译##现代诗##诗歌# 欢迎关注@温经天 转自今日头条优质自媒体 免责声明:转载无任何商业目的,如果侵犯了您的权益,请联系站长,我们会及时删除侵权内容,谢谢合作! 监管要求·版权声明·免责声明1、内容声明:中享网仅提供信息平台发布服务,所展示的信息均由第三方用户实名注册发布,内容真实性、准确性和合法性均由发布用户负责 2、风险提示:本页面内容仅供参考,为降低投资风险,建议您在投资前多做考察咨询、多对比分析 3、投稿提示:投稿请遵守相关法律法规,出现违法内容和行为封号删稿!同时本站将相关证据提交相关部门 4、版权说明:部分投稿作者内容由Ai工具/软件生成,版权由投稿者所有,内容真实性本站不承担任何法律风险! 5、投诉删除:侵权和违法不良信息举报受理邮箱:314562380@qq.com【提供有效线索,我们将及时核查处理】 |
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